The best Side of Trading Rewards

The best Side of Trading Rewards

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Discover just how the Velocity Return in the Kinesis community incentives users with totally allocated silver and gold based on their transactional tasks with Kinesis money, Kau and KAG. Find out about this gratifying system's motivations, calculations, and distinct advantages.

In the vibrant world of digital currencies and rare-earth elements, the Kinesis ecological community attracts attention by incorporating the benefits of blockchain innovation with the inherent value of physical assets. Among the most engaging features of this community is the Speed Yield, an incentive mechanism that incentivizes individuals to invest proactively and trade Kinesis money-- Kau (gold) and KAG (silver). By participating in these activities, individuals can earn month-to-month returns in completely assigned silver and gold, making their engagement in the Kinesis ecological community fulfilling and economically beneficial.

Rate Yield: An Introduction

The Speed Yield principle is central to the Kinesis environment. It is a monetary incentive to urge individuals to spend and trade Kinesis money. Unlike conventional reward systems that use points or credit scores, the Speed Return supplies returns in physical gold and silver. This approach enhances individuals' value suggestion and lines up with Kinesis's foundational concepts-- security and value conservation with rare-earth elements.

Motivations Behind Speed Return

The main reward behind the Velocity Return is to promote financial task within the Kinesis community. By rewarding users for their transactional tasks, Kinesis makes sure that its electronic currencies, Kau and KAG, are proactively made use of as opposed to merely held as speculative assets. This boosted use helps to preserve liquidity and promotes a vivid trading atmosphere, benefiting all participants.

Just How Rewards Are Computed

The Speed Return program's incentive computation is straightforward yet reliable. Each customer's transactional task-- spending or trading Kinesis currencies-- is checked and tape-recorded monthly. At the end of monthly, the complete activity is analyzed, and a portion of the Master Cost swimming pool is allocated as benefits. Particularly, the Rate Yield represent 10% of this pool, guaranteeing active individuals get a reasonable share of the gathered costs.

Month-to-month Distribution of Rewards

Among the Rate Yield's enticing elements is the uniformity and openness of the incentive distribution. Monthly, individuals receive their returns directly right into their Kinesis accounts. These returns remain in the type of totally assigned physical silver and gold, which suggests that users own real precious metals rather than simple electronic depictions. This monthly circulation offers a stable income stream and strengthens the substantial worth of the incentives.

The Role of the Master Cost Pool

The Master Fee swimming pool is a critical part of the Kinesis ecosystem. It comprises the charges accumulated from different purchases performed making use of Kinesis currencies. By designating 10% of this swimming pool to the Speed Return, Kinesis makes certain that a substantial section of the transactional fees is returned to the active participants. This redistribution model promotes fairness and encourages continuous involvement within the environment.

Calculating Activity for Benefits

The computation of each individual's share of the Rate Return is based on their loved one activity compared to the general activity within the ecological community. This indicates that users who engage more often in investing and trading Kinesis money are likely to obtain a greater proportion of the return. This symmetrical approach ensures that incentives are aligned with each individual's payment to the ecological community's liquidity and overall activity.

Investing and Trading: Keys to Greater Benefits

Customers should invest proactively and trade Kinesis currencies to optimize their share of the Speed Return. The even more purchases a user performs, the greater their task degree and, as a result, the better their share of the regular monthly rewards. This device not just incentivizes private users however also improves the total deal quantity within the Kinesis ecological community, creating a positive comments loop of activity and benefit.

Example Calculation: Tim, Sarah, and Owen

To show just how the Rate Return works, think about the instance of three Kinesis individuals: Tim, Sarah, and Owen. Suppose Tim invests 100 Kau, Sarah invests 150 Kau, and Owen spends 50 Kau monthly. The complete costs task is 300 Kau. Tim's share of the complete task is 33.3%, Sarah's is 50%, and Owen's is 16.7%. If the total Speed Return for the month is 10 ounces of gold, Tim would certainly obtain 3.33 ounces, Sarah would certainly obtain 5 ounces, and Owen would certainly obtain 1.67 ounces. This instance demonstrates how private costs effects the circulation of incentives.

A Distinct Return in the Digital Currency Area

The Speed Return supplies an one-of-a-kind return that establishes it besides other reward systems in the electronic money space. By supplying returns in the form of totally assigned physical gold and silver, Kinesis adds a layer of value and protection unmatched by standard electronic money. This unique return improves the attractiveness of Kinesis money and gives users with concrete, steady possessions that can serve as a bush against financial volatility.

Totally Assigned Gold and Silver Payments

A substantial benefit of the Rate Return is that the benefits are paid in completely allocated physical gold and silver. This indicates that individuals get possession of rare-earth elements saved firmly and managed by Kinesis. The fully alloted nature of these payments makes certain that users have a straight case over the gold and silver, offering an added layer of safety and trust fund.

Regular monthly Distribution: A Constant Income Stream

The regular monthly distribution of the Velocity Yield benefits uses individuals a regular and trusted revenue stream. This uniformity makes the incentives a lot more predictable and helps users prepare their financial activities more effectively. Recognizing they will certainly obtain regular monthly returns encourages customers to continue to be energetic in the Kinesis ecological community, additionally driving transactional volume and liquidity.


The Speed Return is a cornerstone of the Kinesis ecosystem, created to incentivize investing and trading of Kinesis money by supplying regular monthly returns in fully allocated silver and gold. By accounting for 10% of the Master Cost swimming pool, the Speed Return makes sure that active participants are awarded somewhat based on their transactional activities. This ingenious reward system enhances the worth of Kinesis currencies and advertises a healthy, energetic trading environment. The Rate Yield supplies an one-of-a-kind and desirable proposal for users wanting to integrate the benefits of electronic money with the security of precious metals.


What is the Rate Return? The Speed Return is a reward device in the Kinesis community that provides customers with month-to-month returns in fully assigned gold and silver based on their investing and trading tasks with Kinesis money, Kau (gold) and KAG (silver).

Just how are the Rate Yield benefits determined? Rewards are calculated based on individuals' total transactional task every month. The even more a customer spends or trades Kinesis currencies, here the higher their share of the 10% assigned from the Master Cost pool.

When are the benefits dispersed? The Velocity Return incentives are distributed monthly straight right into individuals' Kinesis accounts.

What makes the Speed Return distinct? The Speed Return is one-of-a-kind due to the fact that it offers returns in the form of fully alloted physical silver and gold, giving individuals with substantial possessions as opposed to digital credit scores or factors.

Can I raise my share of the Rate Return? Yes, customers can enhance their share of the Rate Return by spending more and trading much more with Kinesis money. Higher transactional quantity leads to a more substantial proportion of the regular monthly rewards.

Is the gold and silver I get certainly allocated to me? Yes, the gold and silver got via the Velocity Yield are totally assigned, implying they are physically possessed by the customer and stored securely by Kinesis.

What is the Master Charge swimming pool? It is a collection of charges generated from deals carried out with Kinesis currencies. Ten percent of this swimming pool is designated to the Speed Accept award users based upon their transactional activities.

How does the Velocity Return promote activity in the Kinesis ecosystem? By offering concrete incentives for investing and trading Kinesis currencies, the Velocity Yield encourages individuals to be extra energetic, increasing liquidity and transactional quantity within the environment.

What occurs if my task reduces? If an individual's activity decreases, their share of the Velocity Return will alike reduce because benefits are based upon the proportion of overall transactional activity every month.

Is there a minimum quantity of task called for to gain benefits? While there is no stringent minimum, customers with greater spending and trading task levels will certainly receive much more Rate Yield than less energetic individuals.

Kinesis Money Overview: Learn & Earn: Lesson 10 - Rate Yield


The video "Learn & Earn: Lesson 10-- Speed Yield" discusses the Speed Return within the Kinesis monetary system. The Velocity Return is a system that incentivizes spending and trading Kinesis currencies, particularly Kau (gold) and KAG (silver), by Click here rewarding customers with returns in fully assigned physical gold and silver.

What is Speed Yield?

The Velocity Yield is a special attribute of the Kinesis monetary system made to promote the energetic use of Kinesis currencies. Whenever more information customers buy, market, or invest Kau or KAG, they are rewarded with a return in gold and silver. This reward system motivates users to participate in even more transactions, hence enhancing the total velocity of money within the Kinesis ecological community.

Exactly How Speed Return Works

The Speed Return is funded by 10% of the Master Cost pool. This pool is determined and distributed month-to-month to users based upon their spending and trading activities. The even more a user spends or trades Kau and KAG, the greater their share of the Velocity Return.

Instance Computation

To illustrate exactly how the Rate Yield is distributed, the video provides an instance with 3 clients:

Tim spends 150 Kau on his Kinesis card.
Sarah sells 100 Kau.
Owen purchases 50 Kau.

If the Master Fee swimming pool for that month is 1000 Kau, the Rate Return swimming pool would be 10% of that quantity, i.e., 100 Kau. Based upon their activities, Tim, Sarah, and Owen's shares of Digital Gold the Speed Yield pool are computed as adheres to:

Tim: 50% share (150 Kau spent).
Sarah: 33.33% share (100 Kau marketed).
Owen: 16.67% share (50 Kau acquired).
Advantages of Velocity Yield.

The Speed Return supplies several benefits:.

Monthly Returns: Users get regular monthly returns in fully allocated physical gold and silver.
Motivates Task: Incentivizing investing and trading raises the overall financial task within the Kinesis system.
Physical Assets: Returns are paid in physical possessions, giving customers with a substantial and valuable incentive.

The Speed Return is an effective device within the Kinesis monetary system. It is designed to reward users for their transactional tasks with returns in silver and gold. By encouraging the investing and trading of Kau and KAG, the Velocity Return assists raise the speed of cash and promote financial activity within the Kinesis environment.

Key Points.

Velocity Return: Incentivizes costs and trading of Kinesis money (Kau and KAG).

Incentives: Individuals obtain returns in silver and gold based on their transactional activity.

Circulation: Returns are paid straight right into customers' accounts monthly.

Master Cost Pool: Rate Yield accounts for 10% of this swimming pool.

Estimation: Monthly calculation based upon spending and trading task.

Investing and Trading: The more a Allocated Silver user invests or trades, the higher their share of the Rate Return.

Example Estimation: Shown with three clients, Tim, Sarah, and Owen, and their respective investing.

Unique Return: Offers a distinct return and various other advantages of trading and costs rare-earth elements.

Assigned Silver And Gold: Settlements remain in fully allocated physical silver and gold.

Month-to-month Circulation: Incentives are determined and dispersed each month.


Introduction: The video presents the Velocity Return and its objective in the Kinesis environment.
Incentives: The Speed Return incentivizes the investing and trading of Kinesis currencies, satisfying users with gold and silver.
Incentives Description: Individuals receive returns based on their transactional tasks, paid in fully alloted silver and gold.
Monthly Distribution: The rewards are dispersed monthly right into users' accounts.
Master Fee Pool: The Speed Yield represent 10% of the swimming pool.
Task Estimation: Month-to-month calculations are based on customers' spending and trading tasks.
Higher Share: The even more customers invest or trade, the higher their share from the Master Fee pool.
Instance Situation: An instance is supplied with 3 customers, showing how the Velocity Return is split based on their spending.
Unique Return: The Velocity Return supplies an extraordinary return and other advantages of trading and investing precious metals.
Fully Allocated Settlements: Settlements are made month-to-month in completely allocated physical silver and gold.

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